Mistakes That Make Your Website Rank Lower On Google

Mistakes That Make Your Website Rank Lower On Google

Whether you’re a website owner or a Web Developer, you need to read this article very carefully and do your best no to fall a victim for these SEO mistakes, as they can literally ruin your website.

SEO Mistakes That Most Developers Do

1. Slow Website

The first common SEO problem I’d like to address is site speed. Google will prioritize sites that load quickly. Especially now, when the page experience ranking factor is gradually being included.

It is critical to improve your site’s speed in order to keep your pages in the search results. Google PageSpeed Insights and isitpro.com are very handy tools for checking your site’s speed. These tools provide an overview of what things you should modify to increase the speed of a specific page, and how to take care of your website’s Search Engine Optimization.

Optimizing your images is a quick win and an advice i usually make. Many websites have relatively huge graphics that take a long time to load. This causes your website to load slower than it should. Resizing your photos can help to reduce loading time.

2. Mobile Responsiveness Issue

Google began indexing mobile-first in 2018. This means that Google will now consider the mobile version of your site when evaluating how high you should rank. So, if your desktop version of your site is perfect, but your mobile site is unresponsive, this will be reflected in your rankings I n a negative sense. Make sure to focus on mobile SEO!

3. Outdated Website Content

Your website’s authority can be harmed by outdated content. There are many search results available on the SERP (Search Engine Results Page) for a search phrase and keyword, but not all of them are useful to the readers.

If the search engine determines that your content is out of date or irrelevant, your site will be removed. In a nutshell, you will be wasting your crawl allocation by crawling and indexing pages that are no longer relevant.

When users visit your site via a search engine and see a 404 error, it creates a negative impression. Broken links on your website might even decrease your crawl budget, or the number of times Google crawlers crawl your page in a particular timeframe.

When search bots come across several broken links, they will navigate to other websites, leaving some of your essential pages unindexed or crawled. It also has a damaging effect on the domain authority of your page.

5. Plagiarism and Unoriginal Content

Duplicate content is content that is similar to or identical to other content on your website. Although Google does not penalize duplicate content, it is extremely possible that it will damage the ranking of the webpages. Because search engines rarely display the identical version of two pieces of material in the SERPs, it selects the one that appears to be most relevant to the readers.

In general, copying and republishing portions of a website without the authorization of the copyright owner constitutes copyright infringement.

Google also takes this very seriously in their SEO rules.

Your web designer/developer may use a theme, plugin, or even an image or a text from another website, and add it to your website. This usually results in an incredibly lower search engine ranking. So always make sure your content and website files are original.

Bottom Line

You don’t want to lose your Google ranking because of one of the common mistakes I discussed above. So, prioritize site performance, provide amazing content, update your website from time to time and optimize for the proper keywords.

If you want to ensure that users visit your site and don’t leave immediately away, use strong calls-to-action, use internal links, and improve your mobile version.

Do all of this, and you’ll be well on your way to a well-optimized website.